Build, Own, and Monetize in Web3

Our decentralized protocol gives users control over the ownership, privacy, and monetization of their data and digital assets.

Start Building Now

Developer tools ready to integrate into your dApp

Distribute encrypted data, record ownership, implement monetization mechanisms.
Send emails to registered Ethereum account holders
without needing to store or know their email addresses.
Oracles connect blockchains to real-world data, our tool allows you to create custom oracles from any API, in minutes.
“We decided to apply for an iExec grant because of Web3Mail. Basically, Web3Mail allows for brands to reach out to users without knowing their email addresses.”

Kirsten Pomales


"iExec sits at the heart of KnowledgeX. The unique combination that iExec offers of Confidential Computing with Blockchain technology helps us deliver on the promise of KnowledgeX of control, privacy and governance."

Marcel Muller


“The iExec Worker Pool incentive is far beyond my imagination. I earned 65 $RLC in 3 days by suppling my CPU resources. Setting for working pool is very easy. Their document and Youtube instruction is helpful to workers.”

Why Build with iExec?

Trusted Execution Environment

Our dev tools allow seamless and transparent access to a TEE infrastructure (Intel SGX), which protects the execution of your application from exterior alterations.

Confidential Computing

Confidential Computing protects data during processing, offering stronger end-to-end encryption for your data and applications. What you deploy on this network of TEE computers will never be disclosed, even to the node owner owner.

Privacy and Choice for Users

iExec tools allow your apps to handle user data without ever disclosing it, even with you. Users can choose what they share, with whom, and for which usage.

Enable Data Ownership via NFTs

iExec uses NFTs natively so you and your users can truly own and control digital assets. Sell, rent, subscribe, or set up user-centric monetization schemes.

Monetize your Code

Earn crypto every time your app is used. Our protocol integrates monetization schemes to reward your creativity and hard work.

Develop in Your Own Language

Unlike other privacy solutions such as FHE or ZK-proof, iExec’s protocol is compatible with your preferred languages, such as Rust or JavaScript, allowing you to code how you’re most comfortable.

Earn crypto by securely monetizing your digital assets

Worker Pass

Earn RLC tokens by connecting your computer to iExec Workerpools and executing computational tasks.
Stay Tuned for Worker Pass

Privacy Pass

Earn RLC tokens by receiving marketing emails. Your email address is never revealed to partners emailing you.

RLC, the iExec protocol’s native token

At the core of the iExec protocol

The iExec token enables builders to access the protocol, use the developer tools, and pay for the transactions occurring on the network. Through Proof of Stake, RLC verifies the accuracy of calculations made by workers.

Unlock Opportunities from AI to DePIN

The iExec protocol helps developers build dApps that open up a whole new world of opportunities in the most promising sectors.

The RLC supply: all minted, all circulating

The token supply has already reached its maximum cap: all the 87 million RLC minted. The token can be traded on all major exchanges such as Binance and Coinbase.
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