iExec participates in H2020 DataCloud along with 10 European partners, with a focus on Edge and Fog computing

iExec is part of DataCloud, a new research project funded by the European Commission and coordinated by SINTEF, Scandinavia’s largest independent research organization. DataCloud is the second EU-funded project for which iExec has been selected since 2020, showing iExec’s dedication to innovation and increasing recognition as experts in the field of blockchain and confidential computing.


DataCloud is a three-year project that has the objective of investigating a novel paradigm for seamlessly deploying Big Data analytics over highly distributed, heterogeneous resources belonging to what has been called the ‘Cloud Computing Continuum’. This project marks iExec’s first concrete step towards the Fog and Edge Computing markets.

“The challenge is to develop comprehensive cloud solutions and testbeds combining various execution platforms for ubiquitous and seamless execution computing environments as a foundation for a complete computing continuum. This requires novel solutions for federating infrastructures, programming applications and services, and composing dynamic workflows, which are capable of reacting in real-time to unpredictable data sizes, availability, locations, and rates.”− The Horizon 2020 Work Program

Integrating ICT resources into “execution platforms for ubiquitous and seamless execution computing environments’’ has become an increasing interest of the European Commission for supporting the ongoing digital transformation of the industry. This vision is perfectly aligned with iExec’s own vision of decentralized cloud computing which leverages untrusted resources to execute heavy computations in a manner that is traceable, trustable and analyzable.

Other partners in DataCloud include academic institutions (Sapienza University of Rome 🇮🇹, the Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology 🇸🇪, the University of Klagenfurt 🇦🇹) as well as companies from all over Europe (Bosch 🇩🇪, JOT Internet Media 🇪🇸, MOG Technologies 🇵🇹, Tellu 🇳🇴, Ubitech 🇬🇷 and Ceramica Catalano 🇮🇹).

Together, we will cover the complete life cycle of Dark Data analytics, from process discovery to simulation, deployment, monitoring and adaptation. DataCloud intends to produce a platform and associated tools that will make this paradigm easily accessible to a wide set of organizations, large and small, including those that do not have the data science expertise or the processing capabilities required to process large volumes of data.

iExec’s role in DataCloud

iExec fits within this consortium as a technology provider: we will provide our now mature Cloud Computing Marketplace for provisioning resources from the continuum on which big data pipelines can be executed in a way that is fast, safe and keeping data confidential. This will be ongoing work for iExec, as planned use-cases (more on that later) may require many evolutions in the protocol as well as with the middleware.

As the project is just beginning, iExec is excited to start working with such prestigious partners and to share more details about what to expect from DataCloud. Keep an eye out for the official DataCloud website and press release within the coming weeks!

Read the official DataCloud press release:

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