Intel® SGX and Blockchain: The iExec End-to-End Trusted Execution Solution

The challenge: How can we guarantee security on decentralized and distributed networks?

Blockchain-based applications and computing are not owned or controlled by one specific entity but rather powered by a distributed network of multiple machines or ‘nodes’. The distributed nature of decentralized cloud computing networks presents a challenge to guarantee security. This is because any root privilege user may easily inspect the sensitive data and tamper with the application running on the decentralized host. It is different from the case of traditional centralized cloud computing providers, where it is easier to employ existing security mechanisms protect the involved application.

For decentralized blockchain-based clouds, a silicon-based security solution, called Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), is the only effective solution to protect users and applications involved. Intel® SGX is such an implementation of TEE.

iExec is a pioneer in building a blockchain-enabled decentralized and distributed cloud network. We have now provided the first-ever full and end-to-end solution integrating trusted execution.