iExec x Hyperledger Avalon: Building the Next Wave of Confidential Applications

iExec is excited to relay Hyperledger’s announcement of its latest project —Hyperledger Avalon.

Introducing Hyperledger Avalon - Hyperledger

“iExec: 4 contributors will develop Ethereum smart contracts, integrate TEE options and improve TCF easy-of-use for developers”


Technical specifications: ➡

Hyperledger Avalon is born from Trusted Compute Framework (TCF) which is a ledger independent implementation of the Trusted Compute Specifications published by the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Hyperledger Avalon is resulted from great collaborations of Hyperledger, EEA, and cloud service provider ecosystems and is one of the most broadly sponsored projects to date, it brings together sponsorship from Intel, iExec Blockchain Tech, Alibaba Cloud, Baidu, BGI, Chainlink, Consensys, EEA, Espeo, IBM, Kaleido, Microsoft, Banco Santander, WiPro, Oracle, and Monax.

Avalon began as a reference implementation of the EEA’s Off-Chain Trusted Compute Specification, which extends computational trust to off-chain execution enabling. Coming out of the EEA specification discussions with Intel in early 2018, iExec was the first to actively contribute to this project and built a heart disease evaluation prototype based on the TCF. Based on EEA trusted computing spec v1.0, iExec also immediately dove into building the Ethereum components for Avalon’s proxy model.

It’s great to see that this project has been growing so fast and has matriculated to a full-blown Hyperledger project. IBM also prototyped this Hyperledger Fabric integration with Avalon. As a core member and contributor to Hyperledger Avalon, iExec will continue to work towards expanding the code base, to solidify the Hyperledger Fabric integration, and move forward the trusted computing ecosystem with Avalon.

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