Project Update May 2024: Latest Innovations, Milestones and Roadmap Updates — Q2

In the dynamic landscape of Web3, iExec has consistently positioned itself at the forefront of innovation and collaboration. Over the past few months, we’ve made significant strides in expanding our ecosystem, showcased by our pivotal role at events like Paris Blockchain Week, our inclusion in industry-leading research reports, organizing iExec exclusive hackathons, and the establishment of transformative partnerships with adoption of our dev tools. These developments highlight iExec’s commitment to enhancing data privacy and security through Decentralized Confidential Computing (DeCC), while also nurturing the next wave of blockchain applications in AI and decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN). iExec remains dedicated to empowering users and reshaping the future of decentralized technologies. Let’s get into it.

But first!

Before we dive into what’s been happening, we’re excited to a quick look: “What’s next?” Here’s a sneak peek at what’s currently in the iExec roadmap.

Roadmap Updates

— Roadmap Update 1

Dev Tool Upgrade Coming Next Week!DataProtector the ‘Monetize Version’ introduces the DataProtectorSharing module

Despite Web3’s promise of putting more control back in the hands of users, ownership, inflexible monetization frameworks and centralized control points still hinder full ownership. iExec overcomes these challenges with new developer tools that allow for seamless integration of Confidential Computing and blockchain into dapps. The new DataProtector dev tools upgrade — dubbed the “Monetize Version” — is set to transform how Web3 users manage and monetize their data, and other digital assets.

iExec is excited to be adding a new component called DataProtectorSharing to the dev tools, data in use through robust encryption, but also introduces new functions that allow developers to integrate mechanisms for users to be able to securely share their data or digital assets, rent it out for short-term use, include it in subscription bundles for ongoing revenue, or sell it by transferring ownership on the blockchain. These transactions are secured by Confidential Computing hardware encryption, combined with a specialized Data Sharing smart contract. Monetization is done using RLC, iExec’s native cryptocurrency, specifically designed for secure and efficient transactions within the iExec ecosystem.

The DataProtector developer tool upgrade aligns perfectly with the iExec mission of empowering builders to return data control to users. Developers can create truly unique Web3 apps that prioritize user ownership, privacy, and monetization. It will truly revolutionize the Web3 experience.

— Roadmap Update 2

The Birth of a Narrative: DeCC (Keep an eye out for campaigns)

Some of you may have caught the buzz around #DeCC. We’re super excited to announce our collaboration with other leading Web3 projects to launch the “Decentralized Confidential Computing” (DeCC) initiative. This movement redefines iExec, moving us away from the “Privacy Coin” category. “Privacy Coin” doesn’t fully capture the essence of our technology. DeCC is all about data privacy on the blockchain by using trusted hardware and embracing zero-trust architecture and other Privacy-Enhanced Technologies (PETs). This method addresses the critical vulnerabilities in traditional data handling by shielding sensitive information during computation.

iExec is at the forefront of the DeCC initiative, driving the collaborative effort among leading Web3 projects. Since our early collaboration with Intel in 2018, we’ve pioneered combining Confidential Computing with blockchain technology. Looking ahead, we plan to highlight DeCC at various industry events, and to further solidify our role as leaders in confidential computing. Keep an eye out for an upcoming, exciting press release on #DeCC.

— Roadmap Update 3

Updated Dapp Store and Ecosystem Web Page

We’re excited to announce the upcoming release of a new web page dedicated to showcasing the adoption of iExec technology. This page will highlight our success stories, partnerships, and everything you need to know about the apps built using the iExec tech stack. It will feature our partners, incubators, and more — all one one convenient, easy-to-consume page. Stay tuned for an enhanced experience that highlights the entire iExec ecosystem.

— Roadmap update 4

iExec Privacy Pass — Monetize Your Inbox

In case you missed it: The Privacy Pass is an incentive program allowing users to earn RLC tokens for receiving marketing emails! Utilizing Confidential Computing and iExec’s DataProtector and Web3Mail tools, the Privacy Pass ensures that your email remains encrypted and protected — this means your email addresse is never disclosed to the marketers.

As we near the end end of the first signup phase for the Privacy Pass incentives program, we’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone who signed up, and for your patience. We are currently building out the dashboard where you can track earnings and see available campaigns from partners. You will be contacted again when this dashboard is launched, before being promoted to manually confirm your participation in the first campaign.

— Roadmap Update 5

Public Worker Pools

We saved the best roadmap item for last. iExec is actively looking for partners to open their own worker pools, specifically for Trusted Execution Environment-ready machines. Note: we’re still in the early stages, so we can’t share too much more right now. But rest assured, public worker pools are on the roadmap.

Reflecting on Our Achievements

As we forge ahead with these exciting plans, it’s equally important to look back at our recent accomplishments. Here’s a summary of what’s been happening:

DePIN Narrative & iExec in the Messari Research Report

iExec was featured in the influential 2024 Crypto Forecast Report by Messari Crypto, a leader in blockchain research. Highlighted in the DePIN and AI industries section, iExec is recognized for its role in leveraging hardware to enhance AI capabilities within the crypto space. The report emphasizes that the AI revolution is dependent on sophisticated hardware. It highlights the significant challenges in AI development. Examples include computational bottlenecks and the secretive nature of major tech companies, resulting in limited collaboration. To be acknowledged by a respected entity like Messari Crypto highlights iExec’s crucial role in driving forward the convergence of AI and blockchain, advocating for a more open and collaborative technological ecosystem.

Decentralized GPU marketplaces have been a major trend in 2024, with iExec recognized as a leading DePIN project. DePIN, or “Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks,” uses blockchain and token rewards to develop real-world physical infrastructures. iExec leverages blockchain to distribute computing tasks across a vast network, compensating providers with RLC token incentives. Its permissionless access and integration of Confidential Computing and Privacy-Enhancing technologies enhance network security and efficiency, positioning iExec as a key player in revolutionizing interactions with digital and physical resources.

Key Events — Microsoft, NFT NYC, EU Commission…

iExec has been actively engaging in various high-profile events, showcasing our advancements in Trusted and Private AI and Decentralized Confidential Computing (DeCC).

iExec was a key exhibitor at the World AI Cannes Festival, where we demonstrated how Trusted and Private AI is becoming a reality, aligning with the expected major trends for 2024. For more on our presentation and involvement, visit World AI Cannes Festival.

At Microsoft’s Cyber Security Campus, Francis offered insights into iExec’s innovative use of blockchain and Confidential Computing to enhance data security. This session also opened discussions on potential collaborations with tech giants like AMD, hinting at exciting future prospects.

Anthony, Head of Research at iExec, participated in a panel at NFT NYC, discussing the impacts and future of Decentralized Cloud Computing alongside other leaders in privacy-preserving technologies. Anthony, recognized for his expertise in DeCC, also captivated an audience of over 300 at another session, underscoring how DeCC can transform Web3.

iExec CEO Gilles Fedak spoke at the WOWsummit World about the critical role of decentralization in the computing infrastructures essential for Web3 applications, exploring how extensive decentralization needs to be within this domain.

Our community engagement continued with the successful hosting of the first and second editions of iMeet, our local Web3 meet-up. The first session focused on Smart Contract Security with notable speakers from the industry, while the second delved into ‘Building a #Web3 community’, with discussions on fostering community within Web3, both locally and in the metaverse.

Moreover, iExec presented at a workshop in Brussels hosted by the European Commission, demonstrating the integration of AI and Blockchain in front of regulators, politicians, and industry leaders. More about this event can be found here.

Looking ahead, iExec will participate in the Confidential Computing Summit on June 5–6, where tech leaders like NVIDIA and Microsoft will emphasize the significance of confidential computing for AI. iExec aims to introduce blockchain into this equation.

Additionally, as a RUBY sponsor at the upcoming EthCC — Ethereum Community Conference, iExec continues to support and engage with the Ethereum community, reinforcing our commitment to advancing blockchain and DeCC technologies.

Marketing & Partnership Highlights

We’re celebrating a major milestone with RevolutApp iExec has reached over 1 million users across 87 countries! Our innovative Learn & Earn campaign has propelled iExec to the forefront, with the RLC token now ranking #6 among crypto tokens on the platform. This is absolutely incredible for mainstream awareness of RLC, as Revolut has over 40 million users across the world!

Significant partnerships continue to evolve, including ongoing collaborations with Intel, Nvidia, Microsoft Azure, and Google. A notable highlight is our proof of concept project with a hospital, leveraging our advancements in Confidential Computing with GPUs. Although NVIDIA TDX is not yet consumer-ready, our special access to NVIDIA GPUs for confidential computing projects marks significant progress. iExec also saw a development in our collaboration with Intel, where iExec has become a Gold Member of the Intel Partner Alliance, with the aim of creating more POCs and demos. This partnership underscores our commitment to privacy and confidential computing.

In community engagement, we’ve kicked off our first quest with an NFT Giveaway: the iExec Community Badge. To join and claim your OAT NFT badge, follow the steps listed on Galxe. With 5,097 participants already, the enthusiasm is palpable. Participate here.

Our AiExec Space hosted a vital discussion on the roadmap for redefining #AI integration within iExec. Anthony, our Head of Research & Innovation, shared insights on the intersection of AI and blockchain, emphasizing the unique position of iExec in merging off-chain computing with Ethereum smart contracts and Intel SGX. He touched on the challenges and opportunities at this intersection, such as enhancing data privacy and addressing the ‘Black Box’ issue in AI with blockchain’s transparency.

Lastly, as part of a wider revamp of the iExec website, we recently announced a fresh makeover for the iExec website homepage, introducing a new look to better reflect our vision and advancements in the blockchain and AI space.

Building with iExec — iExec’s own Hackathon

​​At iExec, we’re always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with decentralized technologies. Here’s a glimpse of our recent developments and community engagements:

In our ongoing effort to empower developers, we are excited to announce an upgraded Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for iExec Oracles. This new IDE simplifies the creation of decentralized oracles, making the development process more intuitive and efficient.

Our commitment to fostering innovation was also showcased in the iBuild Online Hackathon. Developers were invited to integrate iExec’s development tools into decentralized applications (dApps) for a chance to win $18,000 in $RLC tokens. The tools available for integration included:

  • Data Protector: This tool introduces a novel approach to data management in apps, utilizing end-to-end encryption and smart contracts to allow apps to use encrypted user data without ever accessing the actual data.
  • Web3mail: This allows DApp providers or end-users to directly email Ethereum account holders, bypassing conventional email addresses and enhancing privacy.
  • Oracle Factory: A platform that empowers blockchain developers to quickly create custom, trusted oracles, bridging blockchain technology with real-world data securely.

The hackathon drew over 70 participants who showcased their innovative uses of iExec’s tools. Here are the winners:

  • First Place: StableSafe, which developed a prediction market for real-time alerts to mitigate potential losses from stablecoin volatility.
  • Second Place: AuthChain, enhancing web3 apps with secure, blockchain-based two-factor authentication.
  • Third Place: Crypto Jua, a decentralized DeFi notifications service that preserves privacy by using Web3Mail and DataProtector.

These initiatives underline our commitment to not just enhancing our platform, but also to empowering our community and users with the tools they need to succeed in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape. Follow our ongoing progress and updates on our product roadmap.

TalentLayer Continues Building with iExec

TalentLayer, a leader in hiring tech, has integrated iExec’s Web3 developer tools for Privacy-Enhanced Marketing (PEM), ushering in an era of user-centric and private digital communication. Using iExec’s DataProtector and Web3Mail, TalentLayer ensures effective communication without compromising user data integrity, allowing notifications to be sent to Ethereum account users without revealing their email addresses. iExec’s confidential computing capabilities enhance freelancers’ data privacy and security, allowing them to maintain ownership of their information. Since its launch, ‘Freelance Search’ has become a top choice, demonstrating the benefits of Web3 technologies. Additionally, TalentLayer’s GenieAI platform revolutionizes AI model monetization and sharing, utilizing iExec’s DataProtector to ensure data confidentiality in AI interactions. This collaboration highlights the future of Web3 marketing: effective, seamless, and uncompromising on user privacy.

Paris Blockchain Week & the iExec Web3 Incubator

Paris Blockchain Week was a treasure trove of insights and innovations for iExec (so much so, that we’re giving it its own section). We showcased our platform, emphasizing our core philosophy of “Build, Own, Monetize” in the Web3 space. The event sparked numerous enriching discussions about AI and DePIN, underscoring how iExec and confidential computing are propelling these cutting-edge industries forward. It was exhilarating to engage with so many fresh ideas and perspectives on the future of Web3 — we look forward to unveiling more about these developments soon!

During the week, we were thrilled to collaborate with Start in Block, which announced a staggering $10M in prizes and grants as part of a startup competition aimed at fostering new talent and innovations in the blockchain realm.

Additionally, iExec and H7 hosted a special Demo Day event in Paris to celebrate the success of the second cohort of our Web3 Incubator. This event spotlighted emerging projects like Aleno, Boonty, CypherLab, TalentLayer, and Keenest, highlighting their contributions to the blockchain ecosystem and usage of iExec developer tools.

The evening’s climax was the introduction of four new startups joining the third cohort of our incubator: Sorcelco, which simplifies blockchain project generation without any coding; 3Decrypt, developed by Earvin Ciard to enhance crypto platform user onboarding; Inflow, which aims to streamline global payments; and NepheleNetwork, a groundbreaking Layer-1 DePIN technology for decentralized data storage.

Participants in our Web3 Incubator benefit immensely, joining a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, gaining comprehensive mentorship from iExec and other Web3 experts, accessing a broad network of investors and partners, and receiving significant brand exposure to shine in the highly competitive blockchain arena.

More Press

Gilles Fedak, CEO of iExec, in an interview with ‘The Big Whale’ stated his belief the blockchain has the transformative potential to make artificial intelligence (AI) more transparent and trustworthy. He highlighted blockchain’s role in enhancing the transparency and decentralization of AI models. With 79% of people already interacting with AI (at least, according to McKinsey) there’s a pressing need for systems that are not only smart but also transparent and secure.

The transparency issue in AI is critical — especially in sensitive applications like medical diagnoses where trust is essential. AI decision-making is opaque, which raises concerns about bias and rationality. Moreover, AI’s dependence on data poses security risks, like potential data leakage and misuse when handling sensitive documents. iExec tackles these challenges with a dual-technology approach: blockchain for transparency and confidential computing for security.

This combination ensures all data transactions are transparent and reviewable while maintaining data confidentiality during use. iExec’s innovative approach positions it at the forefront of evolving AI and privacy-enhancing technologies, promising to lead breakthroughs with its RLC token. To learn more about iExec’s role in creating trust in AI through Web3, visit:

Creating trust in AI thanks to Web3

For Gilles Fedak, CEO and co-founder of iExec, blockchain technologies will enable AI to be used to best effect.

In Conclusion

As we reflect on a transformative year for iExec, our journey into 2024 to date stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation within the blockchain space. From reaching a milestone of one million users with our Revolut partnership to leading discussions on trusted AI at global platforms and expanding our ecosystem through strategic partnerships, iExec has actively shaped its trajectory. Looking ahead, we are excited to continue building. We’ve got an ambitious roadmap in front of us that we can’t wait to bring to fruition. We’ll continue pioneering developments in DeCC, driving greater transparency, security, and user empowerment across digital infrastructures. With ongoing enhancements to our platform and the relentless pursuit of groundbreaking technologies, iExec is poised to remain at the cutting edge of blockchain and AI integration, ensuring a secure and decentralized future.